Please Note: Dudley Rifle Club is at capacity, we are currently operating a waiting list, to be added with a view to becoming a member in the future as space becomes available please contact the secretary. More Information.
06 November 2017
This Saturday Dudley Rifle Club held a bonfire again for the first time in 6 years. There was bar-be-que, fireworks, drinks and so much "propa" black-country grub to shake a stick at (including groaty pudding, whatever the heck that is...!).
We also held our first Benchrest shoulder-to-shoulder, handicap trophy shoot.
Using the Macrae Handicap system for everyone who has a benchrest average and a concurrent straight score competition for guests and members who do not have an average.
Both the Bonfire and the competitions were well attended by both members and their friends and family. A great time was had by all. There were 10 Members competing for the Handicap Trophy, and 8 non-handicap shooters competing for glory!
The competition was shot on UKBR22 Targets, and consisted of 25 shots to count, with a maximum score of 250/250 and 25 X's.
Results were announced following the fireworks and looked as follows:
Non-Handicap Results:
1st Emma Robinson Scoring 242/250 with 10 X's
2nd Ben Harvey Scoring 234/250 with 8 X's
3rd Marc Poyner Scoring 233/250 with 4 X's
Handicap Results:
1st Leigh Walker With a Macrae Score of 250.255/250.5863 (Scoring 242/250 with an average of 235.83) and 6 X's
2nd Matt Forester With a Macrae Score of 250.184/250.5199 (Scoring 243/250 with an average of 287) and 8 X's
3rd Mo Morrish With a Macrae Score of 250.109/250.2576 (Scoring 248/250 with an average of 295.83) and 8 X's
Whilst the actual scores show a different story, it shows how anyone can win an event using the Macrae handicap. If you'd like to find out more about the formula it can be found here: Macrae Handicap.
Full results will be available at the club (I won't post them here to save embarressing myself for coming last, however I was busy throughout the day building the bonfire, lighting and looking after the BBQ, lighting the bonfire and setting off fireworks. I had too much fun off the range to consider shooting well on the range... or well, that's my story, I'm sticking to it!)
We hope to have another Bonfire event next year! Hopefully, we'll see you there!
Ste Gough
Rifle Captain
Source: Ste Gough
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